WBS Corriente Cattle
Beginning in the 1990s with the help long time cowboy, Clyde Edmondson, affectionately known as Corriente Clyde, Jacqueline undertook the effort to upgrade the ranch’s cattle breeding efforts. It was then the decision was made to use Corriente Cattle for herd breeding development. Corrientes today are primarily raised for recreation or sports cattle for timed events (steer roping, team roping and steer wrestling) competitions. Maintenance of the breed preserves such natural attributes as high fertility, early maturity, trouble free calving, and foraging efficiency, as well as disease and parasite resistance as these herds are located in latitudes where they have existed for more than 600 years. This unique cattle breed differs greatly in conformation, behavior, demeanor and hardiness from beef breeds; nor have these cattle been genetically modified to fit the current commodity beef market.
All Wau-Ban-See Corriente Cattle breeding stock are registered with the North American Corriente Association (NACA), an organization that seeks to conserve the breed through establishing the purebred ancestry of each animal. As a former president of the NACA, Kinnan remains committed to the goals of the organization and helping others either start a quality Corriente herd or improve the genetic quality of their herds; buying registered animals helps to ensure both their quality and value.
In the past 25 years, Wau-Ban-See Ranch has competed in many NACA regional and national shows. The performance of our cattle has earned our breeding program international, national, and statewide recognition as an award winning member of the NACA and one of the top breeders of Corriente Cattle.